Die Themen Schönheit und was ich persönlich in den Seilen suche haben wir hier eigentlich schon durch, aber diese beiden Tweets wollte ich nicht auf Twitter vorbeiziehen lassen, ohne sie euch zu zeigen. Ich habe natürlich RedSabbath um Erlaubnis gebeten =)
Do not expect to look beautiful. Ask yourself why you want to receive ropes. Ask yourself what you have inside and what you want ropes make come to surface. Miho Ikeda you were so inspiring. ? @KinbakuLuxuria @sugiuranorio pic.twitter.com/OIDBtWOeoF
— RedSabbath (@RedSabbath31) June 16, 2019
How far you can go for love? Miho told the story of a woman in the Edo era that accepted to be tortured to death to protect her love. In this tie, she imagines almost meeting that woman and talking to her. This scene touched me deeply. @KinbakuLuxuria pic @shiawase_s edited by me pic.twitter.com/nLroOmRVmH
— RedSabbath (@RedSabbath31) June 16, 2019